Please enter any questions you may have in the webinar chat so we can respond to them at the end of the training.


the slides showing do not match what presenter is reading

Several on our team were unable to join because the meeting capacity is full. Please increase capacity if possible or expand in the future.

The same was true for Philadelphia.

also, can we please get the links to the documents reviewed earlier in the presentation? Typically they are dropped in the chat

Same for Maricopa. While joining the webinar, it says it has reached its max of 100 participants.

Same for Miami-Dade. We are sharing our screen through TEAMS.

Ryan white Part A Nashville TN Program members could not get in the meeting, Thanks

Unfortunately, the webinar capacity was set to 100 participants--this cannot be changed at this point. Future webinars will have sufficient capacity for all recipient staff to participate. The recording and materials presented during webinar will be posted on TargetHIV very soon. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Where can we find a copy of the presentation?

I unfortunately have to leave the webinar. Hopefully someone can take my spot.

Again, apologies for the webinar capacity issues. All materials related to the webinar will be posted on TargetHIV very soon, but in the interim the slides will be emailed out today and are attached in the chat.

The legislation clause on CQM is titled Clinical Quality Management (Section 2604 (h) (5) and states: "...."to assess the extent to which HIV health services provided to patients are consistent with the most recent Public Health Service guidelines for the treatment of HIV/AIDS and related opportunistic infections..." So if we conduct client medical chart reviews to assess if their care follows treatment guidelines, that is an allowable use of CQM funds, correct?

Can you please clarify the CQM Contractual tab. Does this refer to if the Recipient has a Subrecipient Contract with an entity for CQM?

90 days after the budget period end date should be 5/29/2024. Leap year should not change this timeline.

There is a hand raised

In writing our budget, do we use our FY23 award or FY24 estimated award (formula and MAI)?

Can you give us an example of the CQM chart Review, what type of information would be looking for, or is it base on the CQI PRoject

For allocable expenses would an broken door or window be an direct cost for the sub-recipient if it was room where client were seen?

Please confirm if the *new* Core/Support % (to be reported in the budget summary page) should be combined and not reported separately by Part A and MAI

How do you download the slides